What I hope to achieve with the Flying High Tour 2024/25
Jenny Lockyer
Jenny Lockyer
Gildy's Day
School Workshops

I can run school workshops with classes in person or via Google Meet. In person, we will be able to have more actual discussion. Sessions are designed to work with the Gildy stories and choices on this website and are inspired to get children working and thinking together in a feel-good activity.
Sessions tie in with PSHE and the development of social and interpersonal skills as well as supporting wellbeing and mental health in this transition period of returning to school.
The aim during the session is for children to be thinkers, problem solvers, advisors and friends.
As a group the children guide Gildy through the series of choices for Gildy's Morning, Gildy's Afternoon or Gildy's Evening, working as a team and also individually to see that Gildy has as positive a time as possible.
Google Meet sessions £170 a day (up to three sessions per day)
In person, £250-£350 a day (whole school in two-three days)
Due to the Covid restrictions I am currently able to travel within Caerphilly Borough, south Wales. With restrictions lifting, travel to all of Wales is possible. Accurate prices can be given once I have a postcode for the sessions.
Bespoke stories and sessions
I can run sessions based on the Gildy stories that exist here or can create a bespoke set of stories with Gildy. To adapt or create new stories and resources prices range from £500-£1000. I will need at least two weeks before the desired session dates for me to complete the work. Please contact me to discuss a bespoke package.
What will happen?
Google Meet sessions
I introduce Gildy and set out the aim of the session. I act as a kind of game master throughout the session and keep things on track.
1. We watch the video together and I play guitar and sing live to accompany the film. Through the chat facility or raise hand option I ask for thoughts on what happened in it. We talk about what Gildy is thinking and feeling at this point of his day.
2. We explore the choices he's come up with and list the pros and cons of each one.
3. Children can win the chance to eliminate the choice they think is the least helpful by succeeding in a group challenge. If they succeed I put the remaining choices into the hat AKA Gildy's mind. If not, all three choices go in.
4. I pick a choice out of the hat, representing Gildy making up his mind and Gildy goes with it.
5. Children see the outcome of that choice and see that Gildy is faced with another decision to make. Children take on another challenge, this time a more lateral thinking type problem and if we succeed we can make sure Gildy goes with the choice they think is the better one. If not, both choices remain in Gildy's head.
6. We see Gildy though to the outcome of his last choice. We discuss how we can become advisors to ourselves when we need to, becoming our own best friend.
Children are part of Gildy's wellbeing in the stories and take an active role in what happens.
Extra activities
Children can benefit from the series of follow-on activities on this website.
Should you wish, schools can choose to include one of these for in-person workshops.
What do you need to provide?
For Google Meet sessions you will need access to the internet and Google Meet for each group or class taking part.
Your school will need to set me up with a sign in for your school's Google Meet network.
In person, I will go from class to class or can lead the activity with a whole year group in an assembly style set up. I will need access to the internet on a smart board, a plug socket.

Gildy's Day has been funded by ST Martins CofE Voluntary Aided Schools.
Created, designed and written by Jenny Lockyer.
All characters, original illustrations, films and songs ©Jenny Lockyer 2021
Thank you to Miss Cannon at St Martin's School for all her work to organise Google Meet sessions with all of the children and for commissioning the project.
Thank you to for use of clipart which I have put to good use in the Chocolate Biscuit Song!