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Jenny Lockyer

 Gildy's Day

Follow-On Activities

gildy colour - Copy.tif

I've put together some follow on activities here for children to get busy with.


Gildy's Day Cereal Box Board Game!

This is an idea where you can use an old cereal box to create a 'board' for Gildy's Day.

I've provided a print out below with characters and one of the rooms in Gildy's Day.  You can print out, colour in and then take on different characters or move them around depending on what's going on the different parts of Gildy's Day.  It's designed for you to use as you play along with the videos on these pages. All materials and instructions are included in the download!





Make Your Own Good Mood Bag!

Think of some activities that you enjoy that you could do for 5 or 10 minutes to help you get into a good mood or help you focus. This could be anything from drawing or writing a song to building a house of cards.

You don't want something too strenuous that's going to wear you out, but it could be a physical activity like a bit of yoga or stretching, or maybe  a headstand! Don't do that for too long though!

The activities need to be something you have around the house or can make yourself.

Once you've thought of the activities, collect the items you need or just write the activities down. Take some time creating your Good Mood Bag or box, whatever suits you.

Perhaps making the Good Mood Bag could be the first activity for when you need to focus yourself.




good mood bag icon.jpg


3. Draw Gildy


Draw Gildy! Below is a step by step guide to drawing Gildy.

Once you get used to drawing this image of Gildy, try out some other expressions and different moods. Look at your own face in the mirror and pretend you are Gildy in different situations and moods to get an idea of expression. You don't have a beak like Gildy but you can still draw his face to represent different emotions.

What do your eyebrows look like when you are happy or in a bad mood? What do the corners of your mouth do when you are happy or when you are sad?



draw gildy.jpg

4.Create a Gildy comic!


Paper, colouring and drawing equipment, stapler or tape.


One of the children in the Year 3 session at St Martin's came up with the great idea of creating her own Gildy inspired comic.

Perhaps you could tell the story of a particularly good day for Gildy, or a day when something challenging happens. In comics, pictures tell most of the story with words setting the scene or characters talking to each other with speech bubbles.

You can use the template downloads below to inspire you or draw your own comic page structure.




Create a puzzle.


Paper, colouring equipment, printer, scissors, lightweight card that light shines through quite easily at the window.


On some lightweight card, draw a picture inspired by one of the Gildy stories  during Gildy's Day.  It could be a very simple black and white cartoon or a detailed image.  The more detailed and complicated it is, the trickier your puzzle will be.

You're going to cut up the picture so don't get too attached! 

Below is a puzzle template. Cut and paste it into Word or similar and print. Put your picture face down on top of it. Hold them together and put them up against a window and trace around the puzzle pieces.  Alternatively , design your own puzzle pieces but don't make it too complicated to cut out.

Cut out the pieces, mix them up and put them all back together again... time yourself. Do you get quicker each time?

To make it even trickier, draw a picture on the other side too (bfore you cut it out!). You can decide which picture you want to make each time.





Write down some thoughts


Pen and paper.


Write down some of your thoughts about going back to school. Are you excited? Anxious? Is there anything you are particularly looking forward to?

Alternatively, you could take on the role of characters in Gildy's Day.


You could write using 'I' so you are taking on the role of different characters.  Perhaps you could choose a particular thing to tell us about in character?


Will you be Gildy deciding whether or not to eat those chocolate biscuits? Will you be Gildy playing in the living room with Tully just as Mum comes home?


Will you become Gildy's mum and tell us about your day at the hospital, or perhaps you could write down what she is looking forward to after lockdown is over.


If you are Gildy's dad, what kind of day has he had? Is there anything he's particularly happy about? How is he feeling about working from home now?


As Tully, can you tell us about your favourite game?


You can upload your work to Google Classrooms and I will see if I can incorporate it into the longer film I am making. You don't have to put your name on things if you prefer but if you do I can make sure I credit you for your hard work.








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